Uipath advanced certification assignment 2 evaluation criteria

yes dispatcher is uploading all items correctly… processor is picking up items one by one and processing it and updating the queue items status as well. Not sure whats going wrong here… the result only says marks but there are no remarks…

did you upload only processor or dispatcher as well?

every time you when upload zip
you do following step

  1. execute dispatcher that upload item in orchestrator successfully
    2)then run processer
    3)zip both project in one file
    make sure not reset data in https://acme-test.uipath.com

Do we need to process all items in the queue?

NO i think their is condition type=WI4 and status =Open

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I meant all the items that are in new state in the queue (the queue item created with the above condition)

Yes all the item

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Thanks Sandeep. it did work this time… i scored a perfect score

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Happy Automamtion

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we cant share .csv files in UiPath forum, so i converted them to .xls before sharing it.

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