UiPath 2024 August Community Release

UiPath 2024 August Community Release


Autopilot - Configure Activity

In UiPath Studio, the new Autopilot feature enhances workflow efficiency by directly recommending activity configurations on the canvas, allowing users to easily accept suggestions with a simple press of the Tab key.

Improvements to State Machine

This release brings the changes introduced in Flowcharts to State Machines as well. You’ll now be able to take advantage of the

  • new design of connectors, states and other nodes
  • infinite canvas
  • snap-to-grid functionality
  • top level annotation
  • enhanced navigation

The image below illustrates the changes to State Machine.

Auto arrange

For Flowcharts, we’ve brought back the Auto arrange functionality to better help align nodes in the canvas. Right click and select Auto arrange and you’ll notice how the nodes as well as the connectors are now in line with each other.

For now, the functionality is available only in Horizontal mode but we’re bringing an option for Vertical as well.

Save to Cloud

  • Projects that are saved to UiPath Cloud keep their location on disk. Previously they were moved to other disk location when they were saved to UiPath Cloud.
  • The work on a project is guarded against concurrent editing for the entire working session, not only when saving.


Details & Configure tabs

Starting with this release, we are dividing the Information tab into two distinct tabs, each with a specific scope.

  • :page_with_curl:Details tab: Contains key information such as the automation’s description and the applications it utilizes (if applicable).
  • :electric_plug:Configure tab: Enables the configuration of inputs and connections (when applicable).


Connections can now be directly configured from the Configure tab in Assistant. You’ll only need to open the browser to set up a new connection or manage existing ones. :tada:

Refer to the gif below.

The UiPath Assistant interface is displaying various automation tasks, with the details panel showing information about an automation for uploading email attachments to OneDrive or SharePoint. (Captioned by AI)

Jobs tab

:rocket: The old Running Tab has been replaced with a new Jobs tab that displays the most recent jobs run within the past week.

:memo: Please note that this tab shows the jobs and their progress through status messages. To ensure a great running experience, your automation needs to use the Report Status activity as much as needed. You can read more about this activity here.


Capturing Text Elements in Capture All for Object Repository

The Scan Wizard in Capture All for Object Repository has a new option for capturing text elements as well.

Syncing Active Targeting Methods in Unified Target

When a new targeting method is enabled in the Helper while indicating an element, it is synced with the already enabled ones so that all the enabled methods target the same UI element. Previously, the newly enabled targeting method would have been populated from cache with the initially indicated target – so the active targeting methods could have potentially gone out of sync in terms what UI element they were targeting.

Pause Selection

The Pause Selection button in the Selection Helper can now be used both for time-based selection pauses & pause/resume functionality with no timeouts:

A dropdown menu under "Selection Options" with a 5-second option checked is displayed, allowing users to select a hover delay time ranging from 1 to 9 seconds. (Captioned by AI)
A "Resume" button with a downward pointing arrow next to it. (Captioned by AI)

Checkbox & Radio Buttons Status in Table Extraction for Pure CV Scenarios

Matching the Driver-based functionality outputting checkbox or radio-button state, Table Extraction uses CV in pure CV scenarios (e.g.: remote desktop environments where no remote run-time is available, so no access to selectors) to output “checked”/”unchecked” strings for the corresponding states.

Test Suite

We introduced Autopilot for Testers in our last Enterprise release 24.10, including a variety of AI-infused capabilities such as…

  • AI-powered evaluation
  • AI-powered manual Test generation
  • AI-powered test automation for coded test cases
  • AI-powered test data generation
  • AI-powered insights

While so far, Autopilot only allowed you to convert your manual Test Case to code, we have now added support for the auto-generation of low-code Test Cases.

Here is how it works

If you have connected your Studio Test project to a corresponding Test Manager project, you can filter in Test Explorer for manual Test Cases.
This will give you a list of all manual Test Cases available on Test Manager, which have not yet been automated.
The image shows the Test Explorer window in an IDE, listing multiple tests related to loan applications and password requirements, with a total of 24 tests. (Captioned by AI)

Within the context menu of your manual Test Cases, you can now find the option ‘Generate Test Case with Autopilot’.
A screenshot of the Test Explorer window showing options, with "Generate Test Case with Autopilot" highlighted in red. (Captioned by AI)

When clicked, Autopilot will try to generate a fully functional low-code test automation for you, based on the manual steps defined within your Test Manager project.
What is more, the newly created automated Test Case will be automatically linked to the corresponding manual Test Case in Test Manager.

In case you want to create UI-based automation, pls make sure that you have a proper Object Repository in place, where the naming of the elements matches your manual steps!

Please tell us what you think

Which features excite you the most and you are going to try right away? We want to hear what you think! Please use the A red button labeled "Reply" with a blue left-facing arrow icon. (Captioned by AI) button below :slight_smile:


A post was split to a new topic: Invoke code activity and Remove collection errors

@loginerror the auto arrange feature is helpful. Thanks!


@loginerror the auto arrange feature is much needed and Pause selection will very helpful in our automations :heart_eyes:


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Sounds good, will flowcharts still be limited in width and height in projects where they already existed as part of a sequence? (e.g. the old REFramework process layer flowchart) You used to be able to resize them but that functionality seems to have gone

Hello @loginerror ,

Do we have this version released already?
Not able to find in orchestrator

@g.ward the embedded flowcharts have a fixed size. You can scroll inside if you want to view it’s content.

If you focus on the flowchart (double click) it will bring the flowchart to full screen.

Can you detail a bit why it’s needed to expand in place the flowchart/state machines?

Hi Alexandru,

The problem is that so many of our old bots and components use large flowcharts as part of normal sequences (for example, all process layers in the process.xaml of the standard REFramework), or even multiple flowcharts. It’s extremely useful to see the whole component at a glance without having to click into anything, which is possible in the old versions. Now, unless we completely rebuild them all to be only flowcharts, every component affected has this limitation where we have to click into the flowchart just to see that part of it. This is a big enough annoyance that we are not currently upgrading to 24.10.

Hi @g.ward , thank you for the additional context, I understand the feedback. Even though the Flowchart activity is not resizable anymore, you can still scroll inside it without having to double click to see the whole view. I’ve attached below a sample workflow where even though I can’t see it at a glance, I can still explore it from the main canvas.
The image shows a workflow diagram being edited in the UiPath automation software, including sequences and flow decisions on the canvas. (Captioned by AI)

With larger flowcharts, resizing embedded flowcharts in the canvas can still bring some issues with the layout, making it difficult to see the full workflow without having to scroll in the workflow. I’ve taken the same workflow from above and brought it Studio 23.10 and as you can see below, I still had to navigate within the workflow to view the flowchart.
The image shows a computer screen with a workflow automation design open in the UiPath Studio software interface. (Captioned by AI)

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