After downloading uipatchstudiocommunity.msi , the file doesnt open, cannot install.
Hey @Sergio_Caro
Any errors you faced and from which source have you downloaded the setup ?
For now, can you try to right-click the msi file and click properties in file explorer? If there is security item : " This file came from another computer…" , please check Unblock, then run it.
No errors. No security issue on file. Simply the file doesnt open.
Windows 11, dowloaded from Robotic Process Automation | UiPath, after loging in.
Tryed downloading on another computer, it doesnt work either.
Donwloaded it again now, its working! Thanks!
Is the solution just downloading until one get working? Because I am facing the same issue. Downloaded three times and none had worked. Also checked @Yoichi tip but didn’t worked as well.
I got annoyed and clicked on the .msi frantically, until it decided to open. I find it interesting for those responsible for distributing the installer to review the file.
I did the same thing and it worked! lol it also may have been this guys link
Not sure which one did the trick but it worked!!
Thank you very much!! I was having the same problem and the zip installer finally worked and I was able to download the program