UI Path Orchestrator App Login fails due to "token expired"

Hey everyone,

anyone experienced something similar?

When I start the orchestrator app on my smartphone I get the notification that my token has expired. When I try to login I get the same message again. I can use the orchestrator via browser without any limitations.

What I’ve already tried:

  • delete cache
  • delete app data
  • delete app
  • restart phone

Any ideas? Thank you!


If you are on Enterprise licence, raise this with Customer portal.

Ashok :slightly_smiling_face:

Thank you, I am not.

I was able to connect without any issue to the automation cloud via app. Since a few days that’s not possible anymore. Maybe it’s an android issue because on my Iphone it works…

i have the same issue.
Wondering the android app will ever be updated again since 4 May 2022

At least for me it works again.

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