Ui Framework and Monitor

I have a very bizarre situation which I have never come across before. The AA UiFramework can only identify elements (green border on mouseover) when my Chrome Browser is on my LG Ultrawide monitor, which is what I developed on. When I dragged the window to my laptop screen (HP Probook), and ran the automation it was highlighting strange elements and not working, but it did not error. When I tried to re-identify the elements again, the AA framework couldn’t see objects and the default worked better (vice versa situation). I have no reasonable explanation for frameworks being monitor dependent. Does it render differently.

This was Web O365 Calendar elements. See if any of you can reproduce this in any version.

Version 2020.10.2

Hi @brian.l.joseph ,

I faced this sometime back. It’s due to the Screen Resolution. Check the resolution of both the screens, it wouldn’t be the same.

Use this code snippet to check resolution

"Screen resolution : "+Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Width.ToString+" x "+ Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Height.ToString

Ashok :slight_smile:

Thanks. I have used two monitors for UiPath since '19, but this one for a year and hardly develop on it. Then it must be from an extreme difference in resolutions. This seems like a possible bug in the 2020 version. I’ve never read where frameworks are resolution dependent. I have no need to check the resolution. It will be run on similar laptop screens, not UltraWides.