UI Element is not found by the UI Explorer

Hello dear colleagues,

Another day, another issue :slight_smile:

I am trying to automate a process which uses a custom application developed within the company. It is a legacy app and the support for it is low to non-existent. I did some digging and found out it is a Windows app developed using Microsoft Forms.

Steps performed by the user:

  • Opens the app & logs in
  • The app displays a large set of structured data
  • The user clicks on the bottom part of the “VD” column name
  • The user clicks again on the same spot (the left side of the binoculars icon). A text field opens.
  • The user enters the “100” value + ENTER key
    image. The data has been filtered.
  • The user performs other actions.

Steps performed by the robot:
The same steps, in the same order.

The issue I am facing:
You can see in image bellow that the VD column header is split into 2 parts: the top part which contains “VD” and the bottom part (on which I want to click on and then add text into).
UI Explorer can identify the top part, but not the bottom one. And this is the same with all the other columns.

I tried all sorts of workarounds - nothing works. Different input methods, UI Frameworks, used the Image Region selection + well defined anchors, manually searching for that element using UI Explorer 
 that UI Element is somehow invisible.

Have you ever encountered an issue like this?
I would greatly appreciate your inputs.


Could you try n play with some properties of the first element and see if you get the element below it.

If VD(Column Name) is always fixed you could use Anchor base activity.


Huh, never though of that. It works, thanks for the help!

For whomever is interested in this fix: Activities - Anchor Base (uipath.com)

Great, Happy Automation

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