UI demo error with Invoke activity

Hi All,

I am new with the UIpath and currently sttrugling with the UI demo exercise.
Each time I run the secuence “UiDemoLogin” that calls the GetAppCredentials workflow, I get the below error:

Message: Cannot create unknown type ‘{http://schemas.uipath.com/workflow/activities}GetSecureCredential’.
Exception Type: System.Xaml.XamlObjectWriterException

I am not sure the reason of this error message. Could you please help?
I have checked some other topics but I could not find the solution.

Thank you in advance!

Buddy @brunodiaz
Welcome to UiPath community buddy and thats a good question to start with

Here you go, kindly check with this thread that could surely resolve your issue

Kindly let know whether this works or not buddy, lets sort this out

Thanks for your reply.

Unfortunately after installing those activities from settings>Manage sources I still get the error.
These are the packages I have installed.

Do you have any suggestion about what it is missed?

Hi @brunodiaz

Could you try installing this one?

Thank you guys!
It’s working now.


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