"Type Secure Text" is removing the User Name when attempting to Log In to Concur

HI all,

Some advice/help would be greatly appreciated.

The Scenario - I have created a component that logs in to Concur. This component has worked continuously and without failure in the past, running live over 200 times. I am using “Get Secure Credential”, “Type Into” and “Type Secure Text” activities.

The Problem - Whilst running robots this morning, the robot retrieved the credential, entered the user name, entered the password and pressed sign in all with no error. HOWEVER, before the robot enters the secure credential, it randomly removes the User Name from the user name box. I have checked and unchecked the “Empty Field”, “Simulate Click” and tried “Send Windows Messages” but the robot still removes the user name.

PreCondition of Component → Concur Sign In Page is Open.

PostCondition of Component → User has successfully been logged in to Concur.

Actions in Component →
Get Secure Credential
(this gets a stored generic credential, containing the user and password for a Concur Log On, lets say StrUser as string and StrPW as SecureString)

Type Into
(this types the StrUser string into the User Name field. Activate, EmptyField and Simulate Type are checked)

Type Secure Text
(this types the StrPW securestring into the password field.Activate, EmptyField and Simulate Type are checked)

(this clicks the sign in button. Simulate click is selected.)

It is worth noting that the selectors have been improved after indication.

If the selectors are like below then i think is someother issue.

<html app='chrome.exe' title='Sign in to Concur | Concur Solutions' />
<webctrl id='userid' tag='INPUT' />

<html app='chrome.exe' title='Sign in to Concur | Concur Solutions' />
<webctrl id='password' tag='INPUT' />

<html app='chrome.exe' title='Sign in to Concur | Concur Solutions' />
<webctrl parentid='btnSubmit' tag='SPAN' />

I can suggest to delete the activity and add, indicate and configure it again and try.

This is kinda strange. Can you try using Send Hot key in between just to try if that works.


Have you tried using Set Text?