Type is not assignable to type

When I close my uipath and open it I find all the time the same problem.

I have installed several packages nor works…
This is the kind of message I get:

kindly set all the WaitForReady property as for interactive which were set as COMPLETE
and try once
Cheers @dalilasencha

Hi Palaniyappan,

I have no idea of how to do that


If possible can I have your xaml
Cheers @dalilasencha

openppt.xaml (16.6 KB) @Palaniyappan

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kindly share the project folder zipped together with xaml and project.json file as well
Cheers @dalilasencha

workflownotworking.zip (3.2 KB) sure @Palaniyappan

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i hope there are few dependencies i m missing with
can i have a screenshot of activities inside the attach window activity
Cheers @dalilasencha

By the way, when I start a process(the one called openppt2) it opens the process Main email instead… do you know why??

This morning is working well…I think it was a bug of UIpath since I have several warnings appearing all the time error%20uipath%20-%20Copie

Kindly delete the project.json file from the project folder and try once after restarting the studio
Cheers @dalilasencha