Type into Simulate doesn't work correctly


I’m trying to save a file with type into in simulate mode but it doesn’t take the name I want, it simulates the path but then it saves the file with a predetermined name. NombreFichero is: C:\Users\mmarcos\Desktop\Descargas - copia\user_export.csv but it saves it in: C:\Users\mmarcos\Downloads\Form_AltasUsuario. It seems to save it with the correct name but when click ‘Save’, the path is the predetermined:

Thank you in advance,

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Swap to ‘SendWindowsMessages’ for this screen.



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Hi @mmarcos

You would have to use Send Windows Message or Hardware events only, when you’re trying to automation The “Save as” window, irrespective of whichever application you’re using.
It’s behaviour is common.


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Even if I close the machine during the execution?? It’s an unattended automation

I ask you the same:

Even if I close the machine during the execution?? It’s an unattended automation

Hi @mmarcos

If its from a browser, can you please try Hardware click instead of Simulate click first
Also, if its within a browser, it might be downloads is the default location for file save

In the filename give the absolute path where you want to save the file and please press enter after the typing of entire path.

Not exactly, If you put the screen to locked state, that doesn’t make it an unattended run, since unattended run login is controlled by the Robot and in case if you are seeing it in the first place and then you lock it. Then its an attended run that went into background not by choice but by the steps of who was controlling it. I.e. you

The send windows message will work even if it’s an unattended automation!

And an Unattended Session is a different machine which is not touched by any use, so I don’t understand how would you close the machine?

Yes it will work unattended.



Hardware doesn’t work when I close the machine. I already give the absolute path but it’s a truth simulation, it seems the path is already writed but it’s not

It’s an unattended license, the machine is closed when I run the process from the orchestrator

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