Type into reading square

@supermanPunch yes there is, an they work completely fine, i am extracting the values and typing them into empty fields, it does the same for those fields as well with the squares after the text but when typing in the fields i need it too they show the squares after the text

@nick.v If this is the only value which has then you can use Split(youVariable,“[”)(0)
This is to just make your process work though, not an efficient Solution :sweat_smile:

where would i enter that variable?

@nick.v In place of youVariable

no i mean in the activity doe it go in the get full text activity or the type into activity?

@nick.v Type Into

@supermanPunch thats not resolved the issue the bot still doing the same thing.

The scrapping can’t be done with this table , Can you try “Copy selected text” Activity.

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@nick.v Did you use a Message Box to see if the value is still there? It’s Surprising Though :sweat_smile: the Split Activity Should have worked

@supermanPunch yeah the value is being recorded and when displayed in the message box the squares are still showing after it


it should say ‘Partner’ without the squares

@nick.v You used Split(yourVariable,“[”)(0) inside the Message box?

yes i did.

@supermanPunch i’ve used the Split variable method on some of the other fields and they all do the same

@nick.v Can you write that into a Text File and Send me :sweat_smile: I want to Check what type of Character it is

@supermanPunch not sure what file you are after? the file that i am getting the text from?

@nick.v Use Write Text File and use that Variable as the value, and send the Text File to me

i’ve stored it in a variable called ‘type’

do i put this activity before or after the get full text

@nick.v After

ok cool are these settings correct in using write text file activity?