Hi All,
Am developing an official project where that website is not taking type into or Set text activities to generate the report. When am doing manually then its generating the report.
Please advise how to solve this.
Hi All,
Am developing an official project where that website is not taking type into or Set text activities to generate the report. When am doing manually then its generating the report.
Please advise how to solve this.
Can you share the screenshot of the webpage?
You can always use a click first and then send keys to solve as a work around
Hi Anil,
Could you please elaborate a bit.
First use a click activity to click on the field where you need to enter the text
Then add a send keys activity(you can give only the window properties as well). And make sure to uncheck activate and click before and send the value that needs to be typed into
Hi Anil,
Here is one condition i need to select yesterday’s data and its unattended bot.
From the UI I can see why you are facing the issue.
As I mentioned. First click on the Start date field and then use a type into. For type into pass Now.Adddays(-1).Tostring(“yyyy-MM-dd”) and it should type the values. if after typing if value is not saved then send a Tab key at the end
Use Click activity and followed by Type into activity
In the Type into activity to get the Yesterday’ s
Hi @taruna.mehra ,
Use type into activity and Check-in SimulateType option in properties
Hi Raj.
Not working
Hi Anil,
Tried not working.
Manually are you able to type the value?
If yes then after click activity give a small delay and then use type into with giving selector as the window and activate and click should be unchecked.
If manual type is not working then you need to select it by clicking on the calendar itself as the calendar always loads current month you just need to click on the day that you need
Hi, Have you try Set Text with AlterIfDisabled set to true?