I’m trying to type a very large block of html into Jobvite using a Type Into activity as a string, or have UiPath convert it like in the Outlook activity. I get an error when I surround the html with quotes or try to paste it as is.
Does anyone know how to type html using UiPath?
@CBlanchard its
The workflow has validation errors. Review and resolve them first.
System.Activities.InvalidWorkflowException: The workflow has validation errors. Review and resolve them first. —> System.Activities.ValidationException:+++HTML Code+++
Compiler error(s) encountered processing expression
Expected ‘%=’ at start of an embedded expression
— End of inner exception stack trace —
whats the html code?
do you have a copy of your workflow?
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Main.xaml (49.5 KB)
^^The workflow I just need to paste the html code into a text field in Jobvite whatever way that may be,
with variables that I will put inside the HTML
HTML.pdf (222.9 KB)
Ok your issue here is the abundance of " " in your code which is confusing the ‘type into’ box.
Your html code is also extremely messy, I’d suggest getting whoever wrote it to put all the styling in a .css file and link to that.
Then it would be simpler to implement, otherwise you’ll have to do a lot of joining like:
“<table border=”+“0”+" cellpadding=“+“0”+” cellspacing=“+”+“0”+" Class=“+“bodyblack”+” style=“+“font-family: Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 12px;”+” width=“+“450”+”>"
See how i had to put + to join the strings?
Even doing internal css would be better like:
table {border:0;cellpadding:0;cellspacing:0;}
Hello this is my table
You could save the html in a .txt file and just load the details straight into the type into box from the .txt file. Save the .txt file contents as a variable and there you go.
htmlcode.zip (218.3 KB)
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Makes sense, I definitely don’t want to have to do all that joining. The workflow will be in a for-each loop that is picking up values from an iterating excel table, so obviously somehow UiPath needs access to the variables (like it would in a type-to activity) so the variables can change each iteration.
-I’m not sure how to convert the html’s css into internal css, but if it removes the “” then I would be all for it. That seems like the most pragmatic option right?
-I don’t know how to put html into a .css file nor how to paste it into a text box
-Would I be able to easily edit the variables in a .txt format every iteration? Maybe there I could use a .Replace method for those variables each loop, not sure how that would like however.
You have really good information!
.replace would work fine.
You could cheat it and break up your html code into different .txt files when you reach a variable, then do something like:
type into:
txtfile1 + variable 1 + txtfile2 + variable 2
Or if you want to go the html route with internal or external CSS you’ll still have to break up your html by variable:
type into:
"<p>hiring manager is"+managername+"</p>"
Personally, i’d go the .txt file route as its probably going to be faster to edit in future, and easier to understand.
For information on internal and external css see here: Cascading Style Sheets (CSS): Definition, Types & Examples - Video & Lesson Transcript | Study.com
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Awesome. I like the text file idea. Since I don’t know HTML or CSS is there a way to automatically convert it to CSS if that makes any sense haha? How many quotes would that remove?
Yeah, use https://wordtohtml.net/ and play around with this.
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