I have been searching the forums, tutorials, and youtube and not finding an answer to this question. How do I work within an existing pop up and not launch a new one in StudioX? I am new to this, thus using the basic RPA software. I am attempting to automate logging into a program as the first part of an API upload, so launching a new IE window does not link back to the desktop application for successful launch.
I’ve tried:
- “Use Application/Browser” to select the pop up, but it links the URL address and upon running, creates a new pop up that does not link to the login application.
- Attempted using the above activity and then linking all connecting activities to “Get Active Window” which still drives to the new launched pop up.
- Final try was “Use Application/Browser”, but clicked the entire pop up window, which then copied the java url and upon running, adds an additional 3rd pop up window to approve launching java.
Is there a way to not launch a new pop up and use the already auto populated one?
If anyone has a tutorial on this topic, I appreciate the assistance.