TYPE INTO an exact match from excel in a dropdown menu, NO SELECT ITEM possible

Hello, I,am new to RPA and to UI PATH

I want to TYPE INTO a “drop down menu” in a web site (which is not compatible to use SELECT ITEM), the selection is made based on “each excel row”, the problem comes when similar words exists, how can I run “for each excel row” but making a selection based on an exact match. In this example, want to choose “México” not “Ciudad de Méixco”
(Please be patient, need an explanation with some apples)


Can you please help to add the screenshot of the Selector for selecting the drop down, i. e Mexico in this case.


Sure thanks!

any chance you can provide the website url here? and can we access it?

in your type into activity, remove the enter

and instead, use click activity to select the result , you should only use fuzzy selector and under “Text is” the value should be <[[CurrentRow]ESTADO]>

@LUIS_REYES Is the application allows you to search for specific item from the drop down. If that happens, then get the data from the excel and search in the that field. I guess it will give the item with exact match. Then click on it

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Thanks! here is the URL: https://consultapublicamx.plataformadetransparencia.org.mx/vut-web/faces/view/consultaPublica.xhtml#inicio

use this
the location is an argument (can you call Main6 from your workflow and change the location)

Main (6).xaml (20.4 KB)

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Thanks, let me try!


Try this method,

  1. Use click activity and highlight the first element in the dropdown.
  2. In selector for that click activity, and check whether you’re able to find aaname tag. If yes, then pass the country value variable.

So, BOT selects the dropdown option exactly with the value from the excel.


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Try to inspect on any of the element using UiExplorer. Check whether any attribute is holding is holding the value same as in Excel( for eg: aaname=“Mexico”). If it is there you can pass the values dynamically in the click activity( after typing the values in the Text fiedl, consider if you enter Mexico and you are getting 2 items.
If you want to click on the Word Mexico , then you need to pass only Mexico in the aaname. I hope it should work in your case.

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Hi, I was reading all the suggestions from you and other, thanks!
I,am a little bit lost, in you MAIN(6) example, yes in fact if I go manually and change the value on ARGUMENT — " in__target" to another STATE i.e. “Baja California Sur” it works fine, but how can I make that this “in_taget” take the value for each row from excel?


like this

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