Trying to Update Work Item's New Status with UiExplorer

Hello everybody, I’m soo close to the end of the Calculate Client Hash assignment. I’m at the part where I have to open up UiExplorer and put in the new status argument in for the New Status part. I’m struggling to figure out how to do this step.

Here is what I got to right now:

Thank you in advance! I appreciate your help or ideas on how to overcome this step! :smiley:


Instead of this method, you can try some other alternative like take two click Activities. One is to click Drop down field and other one is to select item from drop down list. I.e. Completed

@lakshman Not sure how I can parse a string (in_newStatus) argument to a button. Also, when they grade the assignment, do they check to see how the steps are accomplished?

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You can make Selector dynamic by passing argument into it. If you see the Selector then you will find selected item under aaname attribute.

Hi @AndreMercier4

You were almost done
The thing is selector screenshot is correct and use this as a selector for select item activity
But what they mean in the item property is we got lit of options in the drop down to choose there and to choose the values among them we can pass the value either directly mentioning them or with some variables or argument
— if we have the value to be chosen from the drop down with the argument in_status as they have told in the procedure we can pass that as value to be selected in the drop down

We can directly hard code the value as a string like mention the value that we want to select from the drop down

Simple isn’t it
Hope this would help you

I found the aaname attribute. How would I set that to the argument variable? Thank you for the quick responses! :slight_smile:
Would it be like this:

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Try this one:

     aaname = ' "+in_newStatus.Tostring+" '

It didn’t work for me. I’ll try to test out clicking on the options like you mention before.


Could you please post full Selector after changing it.

Actually the selector that had already was correct
Only this is now we need to pass the value to be selected from the list of items
Like either pass the value directly or
Pass via a argument like in_status

Cheers @AndreMercier4

Is this the full selector? Sorry if not, I’m not good with selectors.


It’s wrong and single quotes are missing in your Selector. It should be like this:

            aaname = ' "+in_newStatus.Tostring+" '

To something like this? I got back to this selector:

I was having issues with it. It couldn’t find the ui element :confused:

This is what I got

This one was correct perfect as per the document
We need to pass the value alone to the item property in the property panel of select item
Either with a value or a via a argument named in_status

Cheers @AndreMercier4


The above posted Selector was wrong. The attribute name should be aaname but not Id.

Instead of this try above mentioned method without passing arguments in it. Just use Two Click Activities and try it.

I plan to use the Two Click Activities as backup. Just in case, I really really don’t know how to do it the way they want me to do it. I already have it working for one option, the ‘Completed’ status. Thank you!

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The one I said to make Selector dynamic is for Click Activity and but you are trying for Select Item Activity and because of that you are getting that error.

Oh, I see. I went into the Click activity and pasted the piece in the selector

but it didn’t even click on the button.