Trying to scrape but the wizard isn't selecting exactly what I need

Hey guys, Im still new to the UIPath journey. My question is im trying to scrape a website but when using the scraping wizard-it does not hover over the part that i want (the price) instead it only hovers over the whole block which is not allowing me to ‘extract correlated data’ - is there anyway i can write something to scrape custom parts of the site since I know which div in the html contains the price

Thanks in advance!

Hello @M111

Can you tell me what your web link is ?

If your click element is not working, why not try using the click image

im trying to do the standard scrape but its not letting me select each individual part of the ui element–is there any way to manipulate the selector to attack the exact part that i want
(name and price)

it requires some patience and manual post editing. But on a rough check following was retrievable:

  • image url
  • title
  • summary
  • price
  • url

In a next step the dynamics has to be checked and reworked.

	<row exact="1">
		<webctrl tag="div" class="product-card css-pm7x6j css-z5nr6i css-11ziap1 css-zk7jxt css-dpr2cn product-grid__card "/>
		<webctrl tag="div" class="product-card__body" idx="1"/>
		<webctrl tag="figure" idx="1"/>
	<column exact="1" name="Column1" attr="src">
		<webctrl tag="div" class="product-card css-pm7x6j css-z5nr6i css-11ziap1 css-zk7jxt css-dpr2cn product-grid__card "/>
		<webctrl tag="div" class="product-card__body" idx="1"/>
		<webctrl tag="figure" idx="1"/>
		<webctrl tag="a" class="product-card__img-link-overlay" idx="1"/>
		<webctrl tag="div" class="image-loader css-zrrhrw product-card__hero-image is--loaded" idx="1"/>
		<webctrl tag="picture" idx="1"/>
		<webctrl tag="img" idx="1"/>
	<column exact="1" name="Column2" attr="text">
		<webctrl tag="div" class="product-card css-pm7x6j css-z5nr6i css-11ziap1 css-zk7jxt css-dpr2cn product-grid__card "/>
		<webctrl tag="div" class="product-card__body" idx="1"/>
		<webctrl tag="figure" idx="1"/>
		<webctrl tag="a" class="product-card__link-overlay" idx="1"/>
	<column exact="1" name="Column3" attr="text">
		<webctrl tag="div" class="product-card css-pm7x6j css-z5nr6i css-11ziap1 css-zk7jxt css-dpr2cn product-grid__card "/>
		<webctrl tag="div" class="product-card__body" idx="1"/>
		<webctrl tag="figure" idx="1"/>
		<webctrl tag="div" class="product-card__info" idx="1"/>
	<column exact="1" name="Column4" attr="text">
		<webctrl tag="div" class="product-card css-pm7x6j css-z5nr6i css-11ziap1 css-zk7jxt css-dpr2cn product-grid__card "/>
		<webctrl tag="div" class="product-card__body" idx="1"/>
		<webctrl tag="figure" idx="1"/>
		<webctrl tag="div" class="product-card__info" idx="1"/>
    		<webctrl tag="div" class="product-card__price-wrapper" idx="1"/>
	<column exact="1" name="Column2" attr="href">
		<webctrl tag="div" class="product-card css-pm7x6j css-z5nr6i css-11ziap1 css-zk7jxt css-dpr2cn product-grid__card "/>
		<webctrl tag="div" class="product-card__body" idx="1"/>
		<webctrl tag="figure" idx="1"/>
		<webctrl tag="a" class="product-card__link-overlay" idx="1"/>

Find starter help here and fix some dynamic info within the selectors, when extract result is empty:
DataScraping_NikeCanada.xaml (9.2 KB)