Trying to iteratively click the list of job banners in Linked in


I am building a bot that looks for jobs after user’s input in linked in, and I’ve encountered a problem where i want to iterate clicking the list of matching jobs to the result, i have no idea what to do here how do i loop click all the banners?

Looks like you’re on the right path though.

Is the for each ui element referencing all the elements of the banners?

Hey @bird_real
Can share the list of job banner Screenshot for Better understanding .

cheers :upside_down_face:


Welcome to the UiPath Community :tada:

You will have to pass CurrentElement to Click activity’s property Target.Element

This will dynamically click on each post.

Ashok :slight_smile:

it is after i’ve selected the hypertext of the banners, as seen in the screenshot:

sure thing, but it can be different depending on the initial search input:

Thanks for the greeting, and the answer too, is it like this within the strict selector in click property?


Not that way.

This is the way!

Ashok :slight_smile:

You don’t indicate the element for the click, you put CurrentElement into the input element property of the click. CurrentElement is a UIElement object.

worked, Thank you for your guidance.

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my bad, i didn’t know that.

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