Hello UiPath Community,
My entry to the Power Up Automation Virtual Hackathon is now available on Go! for general use!
TroyWeb.WolframLanguage.Activities provides a number of activities to connect to the Wolfram Language system. The Wolfram Language is a symbolic scripting language with an insane amount of built-in capabilities and data repositories across a ton of domains. It’s easy to get started with using machine learning models, image processing, natural language understanding, and a ton more. Wolfram provides an interface to .NET which allows us to communicate with this system directly from our software robots!
Some example projects I made with this include producing the decay graph of a given isotope when a hotkey is pressed, and transforming images using the styles of various artists. Here’s a video overview: [PUA][Virtual] Wolfram Language + UiPath - YouTube
It is available now on UiPath Go!, and can be used with the Free Wolfram Engine for Developers (wolfram.com/engine) if you want to test it out! If you have any issues do not hesitate to reach out here or in the UiPath Community Slack. My username there is {TW} Joe.
What could you use this activity set to build? Let me know what you think about my project!
Joe Iaquinto