I have one project to extract the product details from the website, It has been extracting only few products, rest of them are not even getting read in output panel in performer. In queue the status for the one not getting extracted is IN-Progress. How do I over come this blocker?
Welcome to the community
Please show how you are extracting the data
Also when you extract the output panel has limitation on display so you might not see all results better to write to an external file to verify the count
Hi Anil,
I’ll just explain you once what I have done in my performer- I have taken the required activities to search the products, read the product name, cost, and other details such as read the ratings for the individual product, and then write that all data to excel sheet.
So here the process is running fine, but only few products are being read and rest of the products are IN-Progress (as shared the image). In the output panel after first product it is directly going to 3rd product.
This is the issue, hope this is understandable.
I have few queue items(around 10), while running the process in performer the first queue item is getting into the transaction stage but in the mean time the second queue item is changing to In-Progress state. Same is repeating for further queue items, i.e, 1st,3rd,5th,7th are getting into transaction stage and getting successful but 2nd, 4th, 6th 8th are In-progress stage.
Need a solution for this.
Thank you!