Trimming Text

How to trim first and last letter in a sentence?

Example: I have a sentence that start and end with % , so i want to trim % from both start and end of the sentence.

Hi @Anusuya_R ,

Could you give a try on the below Expression :


@Anusuya_R ,U can try.

string_len = YourString.Length
YourCutString = YourString.SubString(1,string_len-2)

Nope… It didnt work

I have set of rows with particular value.Not all the row value begins with $ so i think it wont work

@Anusuya_R ,Ok,there are have fixed number of words sames like “$”?Or it is random?


Try like this




Hi @Anusuya_R ,

Could you show us How you have implemented it ?

In Addition, also give a try on the below :


Do note that % was the symbol that you have mentioned earlier that you want to remove.

What is the actual set of characters that you want to Trim?

Hi @Anusuya_R
Assign InputString = InputString.Trim(" “c,”%"c)
This will remove empty spaces and % in start and end.
Try this and Please let me know if this worked or not

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Perfect… Its working !!!

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I have a point to add here, If we are using Replace for ‘%’ then it will replace all % in the text. But If we used trim then with character then it will remove only in start and ends.

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