The following code is working except that it is not trimming values and takes as a mismatch. How to fix it to trim column values to compare? It is finding rows in dt1 and dt2 which differ in number of spaces. Thank you so much!
An Update maybe required on the Datatables and then we need to perform the comparison operation. One of the ways to perform the Trim operation update is mentioned below :
dt3Corrected = (From r In dt3.AsEnumerable
Select ia = r.ItemArray.toList
Select ic = ia.ConvertAll(Function (e) e.ToString.Trim()).toArray()
Select dt3Corrected.Rows.Add(ic)).CopyToDataTable()
dt4Corrected = (From r In dt4.AsEnumerable
Select ia = r.ItemArray.toList
Select ic = ia.ConvertAll(Function (e) e.ToString.Trim()).toArray()
Select dt4Corrected.Rows.Add(ic)).CopyToDataTable()