Trigger BOT With Scheduled Time


My BOT has to run from 4.30PM - 11.30PM For every 10Min every day… every month.

My Corn Expression - 0 30/10 16-23 ? * * But its not working… it will trigger the BOT like 4.30-5,5.30-6 etc

Please Help Me With This …!! Thanks

HI @Rishik_Chowdary

Try this expression

0 10/10 0,16-23 ? * * *


Thanks For Ur reply @Gokul001

Ur Giving as 10/10 it will start from 4.10 but it has to start from 4.30 when i was giving 30/10 it will start from 4.30 and ends at 5clock and it will start from 5.30 Pm like that.

Hope You understand…Thanks

0 30/10 16-23 ? * * *

Try this @Rishik_Chowdary

Thanks Nikhil for ur reply…!!

You can clearly see it is started at 4.30 but ended at 5clock and again it was started 5.30Pm

But in my case it has to run for every 10min nikhil… Thanks

Hi @Rishik_Chowdary

Based on my knowledge its not possible to do like this using corn expression

You can write the cron expression like this → 0 10/10 0,16-23 ? * * *

You need to handle this part in the Uipath Based on some time condition.


Hi @Rishik_Chowdary As @Gokul001 mentioned you use the above expression but if you wish to start at 4.30 pm itself set timezone accordingly so it matches your 4.30 pm


Hi @Rishik_Chowdary

Here is the workflow

Flowchart.xaml (8.0 KB)

New DateTime(Now.Year, Now.Month, Now.Day, Now.Hour, Now.Minute, Now.Second) > 
New DateTime(Now.Year, Now.Month, Now.Day, 16, 30, 0) And
 New DateTime(Now.Year, Now.Month, Now.Day, Now.Hour, Now.Minute, Now.Second) < 
New DateTime(Now.Year, Now.Month, Now.Day, 23, 00, 0)
