Hello all,
I am adding the following datatable into a queue
I want to write a condition in which only Transactionitem(“Invoices”) that has “SCC” should be considered.
E.G : - 1SCC123468
Thank you for your help.
Hello all,
I am adding the following datatable into a queue
I want to write a condition in which only Transactionitem(“Invoices”) that has “SCC” should be considered.
E.G : - 1SCC123468
Thank you for your help.
Hi @Yugal_Raju ,
Try , TransactionItem.SpecificContent(“Invoices”).ToString.Contains(“SCC”)
Use the above expression in an If Condition to process only the items with SCC.
My personal advise would be Filter only the items having “SCC” while loading into queue(Make adjustments in dispatcher).
Hi @Yugal_Raju before using the Bulk queue item activity use a filter condition like
datatable.asenumerable.where(function(x) x(“Invoices”).tostring.contains(“SCC”)).COPYTODATATABLE
This will filter out all other rows which does not contain SCC in the invoice column.
The bot will only add the required ones in to the queue so that the performer will only process them
Sreejith S S
Hello Sreejith,
the other invoices with =out “SCC” are also required, but they through a different workflow.
Hence i’m not filtering before adding to the queues.
You should be adding QueueItems to which are actually your performer should process.
If you have no control over it and just want to skip the transactions without SCC try this:
As you said it is through a different workflow adding filter conditions in your workflow in the dispatcher bot will not affect that
Sreejith S S
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