Transaction Item and Transaction Number for Jarray(Newtonsoft.Json.Linq.JArray)

Hi Team,

Can anyone help me what will be the Transaction Item and Transaction Number for Jarray(Newtonsoft.Json.Linq.JArray) in REFramework.

I am reading Json response from the URL,which stored in JArray.
Next process i want to do passing the each item from Jarray and executing the process in Process state of REFramework.

Appreciate your help!
@Palaniyappan @lakshman @Lahiru.Fernando

Hey @RajeshT

Transaction number can remain the same as it can be used to access each element of the array.
The transaction item is think should be a Json string right? because each element in array is a json string…


Hi @Lahiru.Fernando,

I have converted the JArray in to datatable which works for me with the transaction items are data row.
I think you are right for JArray ,transaction item is Json string but i cannot find Json String in referenced assemblies: