You can do it with the LINQ Expression, Provide the Master data and System data excel files with Expected output. Then we will write the LINQ Expressions as per your requirement.
Then you have to delete the rows in System excel file which are in Master data excel file… @koyo.osanai
If yes, then follow the below steps,
→ Use the Read range workbook activity to read the Master data Excel file and store in a datatable called Master_dt.
→ Then use another read range workbook activity to read the System data excel file and store in a datatable called System_dt.
→ Then use the assign activity to write the linq expression, create a variable called Output_dt which is datatable datatype variable,
- Assign -> Output_dt = (From sysRow In System_dt.AsEnumerable()
Join masRow In Master_dt.AsEnumerable()
On sysRow.Field(Of String)("Column name in System_dt") Equals masRow.Field(Of String)("Column name in Master_dt")
Select sysRow
→ Then use the Remove Duplicates rows activity to remove the duplicate rows after filtration in Output_dt.
→ Then use the Write range workbook activity to write the Output_dt to the System Data excel file.