


1.使用Attach Broswer 指向你欲操作的頁面。
2.使用Get Text,並確認Selector是否是你想要的。

thankyou ,but 。。。。。I can’t find “Attach Broswer” ,does it replaced by other activities in updated package??

Hi @Tony_Lee

  1. Use "Use Application/Browser " activity and use “Go to URL” activity to navigate to new page and perform actions.

  2. Use “Mouse Scroll” activity till where you want to scroll and use “Get Text” activity to extract the text.

Hope it helps!!

Hi @anarki2001

Attach browse is a classic activity. I think you are using modern experience so you can’t find.

If you want to find the “Attach browser” activity then click the filter symbol in activities panel then check the classic.

Hi @anarki2001

Attach Browser is available in Classic activities

oh!! thank you !!! you helps a lot !

oh!! thank you , kind person! though UiPath gives me a lot of 坑, thanks for you kind people to help me.

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thank you .but , I cannot solve the problem.
whether I put “click” activity IN or OUT of the “attach broswer” frame , it doesn’t work the same.
it looks like that UiPath still try to search Elements among the former Tab , instead of the new-opened tab.(because , when i mannually click the new tab , after a few seconds ,it switch to the former tab automatically!)

solved!! need to use CLASSIC click instead of another click . (as pic shows:)

在设置中把现代设计风格关掉,就可以找到Attach browser了

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