Top prameter in Orchestrator HTTP Request to Get Jobs from orchestrator is not working

top prameter in Orchestrator HTTP Request to Get Jobs from orchestrator is not working.

“odata/Jobs?%24top=3&%24filter=Release%2FProcessKey%20eq%20’HR_Process1’&%24orderby=EndTime desc”

Here even after adding top=3 parameter, the APi is not responding with top 3 jobs (instead it is returning all jobs)

Hi, to isolate the problem could you try the query without parameters except for top? I.e. odata/Jobs?$top=3 then adjust the number to see if it indeed does restrict the number of results returned. I tested it just now and it does work for me.

If it works then you could progressively add the remaining parameters and see at what point does it ignore the top parameter, and continue troubleshooting from there.