Toggle Between Machines using single Unattended license


I want to use single unattended robot license on two different machines. Basically i want to use one machine for specific time and other machine for some other time in a day. I want to toggle between two machines but with the same single unattended robot license. Is it possible to achieve it and how ?


Hi @vijain

As per my experience it is not possible for using Single Unattended license to be use on two dfferent machines

Mark as solution and like it if this helps u :slight_smile:

Happy Automation :raised_hands:

Best Regards
Er Pratik Wavhal :robot::man_technologist:t4: :computer:

Hi @vijayan,

It is possible to use single license in different machines at different time. Follow the below steps

1)make sure you have the license as Floating studio
2) once you are done with your work, go to orchestrator → robots->select your robot-> change the license from floating studio to other available type
3)Select the other person robot assign the license to floating studio to him.
Now the studio would have got licensed to other person.

Cheers dude . let me know if that works.

Automation makes life easy :slight_smile: