To Move Sub folders in Iteration

Hi All,

I have a scenario to move the Sub Folders from source Path to destination Path.
But i have to do it in an iteration,
Scenario:- I have 1 Folder(Parent) and having 10 sub-folders(Child 1, Child 2 etc.) inside it and each folder(Child 1, Child2 etc.) contains files. Now i have to move all the 10 folders from source to destination one by one in each iteration.

Expected Result:- After 1 iteration,Child 1 folder should be moved from source to destination.
& Source should have 9 folders(Child 2, Child 3 etc.)

I have gone through multiple links, and tried Invoke Method(Move), Invoke Code, Move Directory etc. but all these are moving all the 10 folders in one go.

Please suggest :slight_smile:


MoveDirectory.xaml (10.7 KB)

Try this thing.

Hi @Tiberiu_Niculescu,

I tried your thing, but here the folders are not getting moved from the Source Path.
We are creating the Parent directory first in the destination Path & then creating a directory with sub folder name & copying the files to the created directory.

Anyways, Thank you so much for your response.