for example -
Give a try at
myMaxDateTime =
(From d In YourDataTableVar.AsEnumerable
Where DateTime.TryParseExact(d("Column1").toString.Trim, "MM-dd-yy", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, DateTimeStyles.None, Nothing)
Let x = DateTime.ParseExact(d("Column1").toString.Trim, "MM-dd-yy", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)
Select v = x).Max(Function (x) x)
error : the sequence contains no elements in assign activity
Please provide a workflow
please share a screenshot from your implementation. Ensure that you have modified that LINQ and it is using the variable names from your implementation
check your date format. the sample from above is maybe different - vs . seperator. Otherwise debug and check within the immediate panel some sample values of the datatable
Got it sorry it was seperated by (Dot.)
but one more scenario…
I wil provide a screenshot of webpage
from that i need to click the latest file if exist or the latest folder
lets scope 1 topic = 1 case.
Initial you requested to filterout all non date values and find the latest date. When this case is solved then close the topic. Thanks
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For the other question just open a new topic with a clear case description
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