Timeout reached on Double Click, but Element Exist is true

I am using a remote desktop connection in my process and automating some applications in this session.
A few of these works fine, however I have one where I get this error:

Source: Double Click

Message: Timeout reached.

Exception Type: UiPath.Core.ElementOperationException

RemoteException wrapping UiPath.Core.ElementOperationException: Timeout reached.  ---> RemoteException wrapping System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException: Timeout reached. 
   at UiPath.UiNodeClass.BringIntoView()
   at UiPath.Core.UiElement.BringToForeground()

If I use “Element Exists” it returns true on this same element.
What’s the reason the Double Click on this is not working?

Use click activity with double click option enabled in it and in the waitfoready property set as COMPLETE and simulate click property is to be enabled
like this

Cheers @P_S