Time Measuring


maybe there will be an activity with which you can measure actionstime.

start timer → process → process ending → stop timer → wirte in Excel/.txt
“The process needed 00:00:15 time”

Is that possible or is there already a package for it?

Best Regards

Hey there! I usually do a log message for this. Log message at: "Process started at " + Now.tostring, then another log when it ends. Something of that sort.

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thank you for your answer. I do it in a slightly different way. I will try it with the log message activity :slight_smile:

At the activity will also be sent in the Orchestrator? And also in the Logs page? Where can I find that?

Best Regads,

Yes, it will appear on your Output panel in Studio, and in the log files on Orchestrator. If you don’t have Orchestrator configured with your robot, you can still access the text file logs through studio, such as in the screenshot below.

Hope this helps! :slight_smile:



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This is built into the reframework if you use that. You could also create a datetime variable called StartTime and in an assign activity first thing you’d do is assign StartTime = now

Then at the end when writing in excel you can determine the time span using now - StartTime

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Thank you very much! I didnt work a lot with the Orchestrator :cry: i found the page in the Orchestrator and its just perfect :heart:

Best Ragards,