i have to Substract the start time and end time… fill to Total Hrs…
check the condition if cell empty fill 00.00
Input Data:
Expected Ouput:
i have to Substract the start time and end time… fill to Total Hrs…
check the condition if cell empty fill 00.00
Input Data:
Expected Ouput:
Hey @Shyam_Pragash
You can use the same logic as we already discussed
And this looks bit low complex compared to the earlier.
Is in Time format i try to found total working hrs more than a minute or not…
If((Math.Abs(Convert.ToDateTime(CurrentRow("Total hrs").ToString).Minute)>1),"Less Mins","More Mins")
i am getting error:
Assign: String was not recognized as a valid DateTime.
Hey @Shyam_Pragash
I can see total hours is a decimal and not a date time, So there is no need for date conversion instead you can do decimal or double conv.
Hope this helps
Hi @Shyam_Pragash ,
Could you use a Write Line
Activity and Print the Value of Total hrs
of one row, just to Check the format of the Time value.
Could you use the below Expression and Check :
If(TimeSpan.Parse(Split(CurrentRow("Total hrs").ToString)(0).Replace(".",":").Trim).Minutes>1,"Less Mins","More Mins")
I am not sure I understand you. Could you explain what was the result that you received when you used the Modified Expression ?
Total Hrs is input data to fill into Status
column (done or Not done), if Total Hrs is present & it’s greater or equal to 1 mins write in Done (Status Columns). in case the cell empty or null Write in Not Done in (Staus columns)… All Other empty Cell fill Date time 00:00:00.
i think is it clear for you…
Plz refer Expected Output and Input data Attached in Excel sheet.
@Shyam_Pragash , When Inspected the Total hrs
Column format using a Write Line
Activity, the format seems to be the same as that of DateTime
Could you Check the same using a Write Line
Activity from your end ? To confirm if that is the case ?
Do you have PreserveFormat
Checked in Read Range
Activity ?
Updated One
Sharing the Status report.csv file for your reference…
Status Report (2).zip (372 Bytes)
For the time being, Just Check if the Below Workflow gets the Output as required :
DT_ConditionUpdate_Rows.zip (10.0 KB)
We can move into different aspects or different data if this works.
@Shyam_Pragash , I think we can manage with For Each Row
, However we would require to know what are the Columns that need to be Updated.
If it is really required, we could go for a Linq Approach.
I think Linq Approach is Best… Because i have many row and columns only daily bases. i have to regenerate it… i want to complete the work easy to fast way…
We would still require to know what are the Columns to be Updated and what Columns are to be left as it is.