This is windows application data i need to write these data into excel please help me

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Hi @manogna

Can you elaborate more to easily address the issue.

cheers :smiley:

Happy learning :smiley:


in my windows application when i click info link the page is open like this.

rate type,rate ,start,end,forecast these all are headings and i have fill some data in that fields like corporate, now what i need is all that data extract into excel file.



Use Data scraping ,indicate the first and second element and you will get the entire data in table format and store it in Excel.

A Manohar

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i have already tried that activity, but it doesn’t work.

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1.Use Data Scraping to get the value in your apps.
2.USe Excel application scope
3.Use ForEachrow to iterate to dattable
3.Use write range to write the data

See this link for your reference.,scraping%20wizard%20under%20Design%20tab.



If your unable to use Data Scraping then try with the Find Children activity and by using Get attribute get the particular element and store it in a variable.later write into datatable

A Manohar

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data scraping is not working,this is desktop application, so it throw the error message like this the control does not support the data scraping.

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can you please send me any workflow.

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So Data scraping is unavalilble for you app.I guess you might use the flow suggested by @Manohar1 to get the value of your application.

cheers :smiley:

Happy learning :smiley:



kindly go through below link
you will find sample workflow in it.

A Manohar


i have tried that find children activity but i didn’t get any data in my excel this is my total screen.i need to extract data from %Off rack to 75 into excel.

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Hi @manogna

What object is that? in your application.and how does the data populate in your apps ?

cheers :smiley:

Happy learning :smiley:


@ manogna hi,

did you see if your table selector is dynamic or not ?


Like link tittle cam be “MY website Luis”
And another link can be “My website manogna”

only this diference can be a problem.

if yes in your selector for exemple change “My website*”