Theme Change Issue in Orchestrator 23 10 Profile Page

Does changing the theme from Dark to Light, or vice versa, on the Profile page in Orchestrator on-premise, version 23.10.0, not work?

Issue Description:

In Orchestrator on-premise, version 23.10.0, on the Profile page Changing the theme from Dark to Light, or vice versa, doesn't work. This behavior is observed in the Firefox browser.

  1. Log in to Orchestrator and go to the Profile page (username bubble > Preferences).
  2. Switch the theme to "Dark."
  3. Click on "Go to Orchestrator" in the top right - the theme is not saved and reverts to the previous setting.


For this issue, there is a known problem in version 23.10. As a workaround, use a different browser other than Firefox. It is not recommended to modify the theme in the database, as certain alterations can impact other tabs.