The values provided for the root activity's arguments did not satisfy the root activity's requirements: 'GlobalHandler': Value for a required activity argument 'errorInfo' was not supplied. Parameter name: rootArgumentValues

Should I write something in [errorInfo]'s Default value?
If it is, what should be written in [errorInfo]'s Default value?
I tried to write “1” in [errorInfo]'s Default value but that red alarming mark emerged.


As per error the errorinfo argument is mandatory and no value is supplied to it to run

Are you trying to run global exception handler separately?

If so then it would not run like that…it is a xaml which would be auto called whenever there is an error and then the errorinfo gets auto populated while an error occurs

If you want to verify or run then add a throw activity in any other xaml and run it and add breakpoint in globalexveption handler workflow to check if the execution came in or not …this is the way to verify or run

You cannot run that geh xaml directly

Hope this helps
