The SSL connection could not be established only for Windows project

Hi, our HTTP Request activity works for Legacy version, but failing for Windows version with error message “The SSL connection could not be established”. I believe the TLS version is different for Windows project. What could be the solution for this?

Hi @niro

Would it be possible for you to maybe post the full exception stack that you are getting? (via the Copy to Clipboard option)

Another thought, could you verify the TLS supported by your endpoint? It would help with the investigation.

Other details that would be super helpful are:

  • your version of the WebAPI activity package
  • more details about the endpoint that you are trying to access

hi Maciej. strangely, right now the HTTP Request activity is getting passed but with 403 error. but it works in Legacy though

Package version: 1.18.0
Endpoint: Alfresco of our company site

Our internal Alfresco team mentioned they’re supporting TLS 1.2 and 1.3