Hi RPA RockStars,
Good Day!
With the help of Microsoft Office 365 (Version 1.14 and 1.11) Package, we are using Send Email activity to send email with Multiple Attachments. While we are executing this activity we are facing “The Specific Object Not Found in the Store” error.
With 1.11 version it is working fine, However it is sending only one attachment.
Therefore we upgraded version of Microsoft Office 365 package to 2.0 and higher and set Runtime Rules was “Lowest Applicable Version” instead of “Strict” because we do not want to upgrade the Production Robot Version(20.10.2). After using this way we are facing below error.
Reason: Method ‘DisposeAsync’ in type ‘System.Text.Json.Utf8JsonWriter’ from assembly ‘System.Text.Json, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=cc7b13ffcd2ddd51’ does not have an implementation.
While we are testing in Dev and UAT it is working fine and sending multiple attachments.(Robot Version : 22.10.2).
Is there any c# or other code or alternative way to resolve the issue?
Note: Attachments are available and size is not more than 100 KB and from last 10 to 15 days we are facing the issue, earlier it was running fine.
Thank you in advance.
- With Best Regards,
Malak Dudhia