The robot is unable to run the process for unexplained reasons

Problem: The robot is unable to run the process for unexplained reasons.

Description: The robot is unable to run both manual and scheduled processes, however the client reports that the server’s connection status is normal while the problem occurs.

Solution: The customer restarts the bot’s virtual machine. After that, the robot can run the process normally.

We would like you to assist us in locating the answer as follows:

  1. What is Query Failed, who is Query, and what type of data query is it?
  2. What exactly is Connection Failed? Because the customer checks the server status at that moment, it is connected, which can be considered normal.
  3. Restarting the server will not solve the problem. This is just a temporary solution to get the system back to work.


To start with looks like you are getting data from data entity and it is failing…may be if you can include a log of inner exception it would help as well…that might give more info

And as per even log errors for some reason looks like mimecast is blocking the execution…

Thats strange to see restart is clearing the issue as mimecast should still
Be blocking or it might be that because of repeated orch calls mimecast is starting to block it


@Wirit_Panrit were you able to solve the issue?
If not, please replicate it and upload a diagnostic tool report here and we will try to see what is happening.