"The requested operation requires elevation." when running process from Orchestrator

Hi all,

I seem to have an issue when trying to execute a process from either https://demo.uipath.com/ or https://platform.uipath.com/, and no matter what tweaks I’ve made to the settings, it still refuses to execute. Everytime, I get the below error message (bottom of post).

Orchestrator can access the robot fine - it’s showing online & heartbeating correctly, and when I kick off a job, it’s showing the below error in Windows Server Manager too. I can execute my flow from both the robot directly, and from Studio. The robot is configured with a domain admin account, although I have tried executing using a local admin account. UAC is completely turned off so this shouldn’t be an issue, and server has been rebooted multiple times. I’ve even tried uninstalling Studio and the robot, and reinstalled, ensuring all details are correct.

Server is currently running .NET 4.7, and this error occurs both on CE and a trial version.

Any guidance please, I’m not sure if I’m missing something here!!


Environment : Backup
Robot : XXXXX
Info : “Executor start process failed, reason System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException (0x800702E4): The requested operation requires elevation. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x800702E4)\r\n at UiPath.UiSystemClass.OpenInteractiveWindowsSession(String bstrUser, String bstrPassword, UiOpenSessionFlags nFlags, String bstrApplication, String bstrAppArguments, Int32 nDelayMs, Int32 userToken, UiGenericOptions options)\r\n at UiPath.Core.Setup.OpenInteractiveWindowsSession(String username, String password, OpenSessionFlags flags, String application, String arguments, Int32 userToken, Int32 preferredWidth, Int32 preferredHeight, Int32 preferredDepth)\r\n at UiPath.Service.Impl.Executor.StartProcessInSession(Guid executorInstanceId, String username, String password, OpenSessionInfo sessionInfo, IntPtr userToken)\r\n at UiPath.Service.Impl.Executor.<>c__DisplayClass13_0.<b__0>d.MoveNext()”
Start Time : 2017/12/20 18:20:29
End Time : 2017/12/20 18:20:32

Hi Josh,

Do you get the same error when executing another process? Did you install the Robot with admin rights?

Hi Ovi,

Thanks for your response; the answer is yes to both.

Robot was installed with admin rights, and fails to execute both my custom flow & any sample flows provided as part of Studio. Even when running the flow as an enterprise admin the same error occurs!


Hi all,

Still experiencing this issue - has anybody faced this issue?


Hello @jcb,

Go to your Uipath folder and find “UiPath.Executor” and uncheck the option “Run as adm”

Kind regards,

1 Like

Hi Daniel,

Unfortunately this didn’t resolve the issue, but I’ll be honest I gave up on it in the end. I appreciate your help though.


Hello @jcb,

I have met the same problem as you,Could you help me solve this problem?


does anyone know how to fix it?

For UiPath Studio

Unfortunately, this is not solving the problem at all. If I start UiPath in Administrator mode, then I get an “Access Denied” error message. If I start UiPath in non-administrator mode, I got “The requested operation requires elevation”. Is there any working solution? I already struggling with this topic for a week and looks like there is no solution.
Please, help!!!

Hi @Janos_Antal

Could you please create a new topic which includes some more information about your environment and particular struggle? (version of UiPath software, what does the process do, what you are trying to do when the error is thrown, Windows version, etc).

Hi Maciej,

Alright, I’ll do so.
Thanks for your reply.

Hi Guys. Has anyone found a solution to this post?

Hello guys,

I am facing same issue when i installed the UiPath studio in new pc
“particular operation required elevation” can you help me out to this problem

Thanks in advance