"The given path's format is not supported", but it work if I write the same in inmediate

I am trying to count the files in a folder, I retrieve the folder path using the following assign:

Folder path = (MainDictionary(“MainFolder”).tostring+Now.ToString(“yyyy”)+" \ “+StrConv((now.ToString(“MMMM”, System.Globalization.CultureInfo.CreateSpecificCulture(“es”)).ToString).ToLower, VbStrConv.ProperCase)+” \ ").Trim

The result is: "‪C:\TestFolder\2022\Abril"

But it fails while trying to reach that folder.

BUT, if I assign the SAME string in inmediate: "C:\TestFolder\2022\Abril"

It works. Look in the screenshot below immediate panel and the output and you will see it works, I do not know what is happening

I tried with a replace for the character " \ " using the same as inmmediate: FolderPath.replace(" \ “c,” \ ") in another assign

And here it is the writeline value: Directory.GetFiles(FolderPath).Count.ToString

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Hey @Alberto_Palma

Could you please try printing it before write line.

Also try path.Join instead of string concatenation for cleaner approach.


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Thank you for the answer, Here is the print before:


How should I use the path join? I am having difficult to find the way to use it.

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Hey @Alberto_Palma

Could you please post the Directory.GetFiles you are using.

Sorry It’s not path.Join instead path.Combine

Path.Combine(MainDictionary(“MainFolder”).tostring+Now.ToString(“yyyy”), StrConv((now.ToString(“MMMM”, System.Globalization.CultureInfo.CreateSpecificCulture(“es”)).ToString).ToLower, VbStrConv.ProperCase))


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Thanks again.

I used your code, but:


The directory I am using is this one: Directory.GetFiles(FolderPath).Count.ToString

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Hey @Alberto_Palma

Could you please hard code the path once inside the directory function once please to troubleshoot?


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I solved it using a Array of string variable to store the “Directory.GetFiles(FolderPath)” result, and it works without issues, I do not know why it happens, but it solves the code.

Thank you for your time and effort Nithin!

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Cool @Alberto_Palma :+1::slightly_smiling_face:

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