The ability to perform actions on a queue item in view mode

While we can clone, mark as verified, assign reviewer, retry item or remove a given queue item, it would be more effective and helpful if these options were available while we are in the view mode, that you get into with “View Details” option. Right now, you have to view, close and then identify the one you just viewed to click on the three vertical dots, to take the action. In the meanwhile, we would have lost the identity of the item just viewed, because there is no indication as to which item was just viewed.

So adding these options in view mode would make it easier, quicker and more accurate about the actions we want to take.


Ask you admin to provide the access for the same

YES! This is so annoying trying to find the correct one to Clone etc.


This has nothing to do with access. This is about how the Queue view screen works.


Thank you for your feedback, our team will consider it :slight_smile:


Thanks for considering it. While you are at it, might as well add the ability to navigate to the previous and/or the next item etc.