Any method to delete the credentials for TFS?
Issue Description: Resetting Password disconnects from TFS.
Important information:
- General information, the login should be visible in either Window Credential Manager or in this system dialog:
- rundll32.exe keymgr.dll,KRShowKeyMgr
- Removing the relevant entry for the connection should reset the authentication in Studio also
- For web logins, the authentication tokens are stored by the TFS services in ‘Computer\HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\VSCommon\14.0\ClientServices\TokenStorage\VisualStudio\VssApp’ . Removing all entries in this folder will clear the authentication (Studio restart is required).
- Method to delete the credentials: It consists of deleting a key in the registry, namely under Computer\HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\VSCommon\14.0\ClientServices\TokenStorage\VisualStudio\VssApp\ there should be a key with a GUID name (in the picture is the one starting with 71). Delete it, then start Studio and attempt to use TFS. The login prompt should be displayed, as there should be no authentication stored anymore.