[Test Manager] Test manager not showing up in Orchestrator

The test manager option is not appearing in the enterprise orchestrator, even though I have the license. Can someone help me?

In a community license, it normally appears in the menu on the left side.

Allocate the Test Manager license to your tenant and also enable the Test Manager.

This option is not showing up for any of the Tenants

Check the license allocation for the tenant.

It’s like this

It’s like this

Check here

It’s like this

Double-check the official documentation: Getting Started with Test Manager in Automation Cloud™

If you are sure that you bought a Test Manager license (and you hadn’t an expired trial Test Manager license) and it does not appear in your Automation Cloud, please raise a case with UiPath Sales/License Support: Contact Licensing Queries & Activations

I’m trying, but this message comes at the end.


Make sure that you are provided with the correct information in the required fields.