Test manager error

Dear Members,

I am trying to link the file to test manager, however, i experienced an internal error,

is anyone know how to solve this? thanks.

Test Manager returned an error.: UiPath.Studio.TMHApi.Exceptions.TestManagerHttpException: Unknown status:InternalServerError
at UiPath.Studio.TMHApi.Utils.TestManagerRequestHandler.GetResponse[T](String url, Method method, Object body, Boolean enforceAuthentication, Int32 retryCount, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
at UiPath.Studio.TMHApi.Utils.TestManagerRequestHandler.GetResponse[T](String url, Method method, Object body, Boolean enforceAuthentication, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
at UiPath.Studio.TMHApi.Utils.TestManagerRequestHandler.GetResponse[T](String url, Method method, Object body, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
at UiPath.Studio.TMHApi.TestManagerApiClient.SetAutomationId(String testcaseId, String automationId, String automationTestCaseName, String automationProjectName, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
at UiPath.Studio.Plugin.TestManagement.Services.TestManagerApiClientHelper.SetAutomationId(String testCaseId, String automationId, String automationTestCaseName, String automationProjectName, CancellationToken ct), HResult -2146233088

Hi members, problem solved, i covert the case to workflow and then re-convert to testcase, the issue never experienced, however, I still have a question, how can i change the queue for the test sets? I want to firstly test key 1 and then key2.