Terminal session - Hummingbird emulator

We try since a long time to setup a terminal connection using [IBM EHLLAPI] as provider.

We use the emulator Hummingbird(host explorer). It seems to be a 64 bits version.
Every time we got this error [ There was an error connecting to terminal. Error Code : EhllDllNotFound] when initialising the EHLL dll field with this dll [ehllap32.dll]

In the meantime we used the [Uipath Internal] provider connection. With still an issue because the 24th lines is not visible and so when the script is stuck we don’t why ?

Have an idea for the 2 issues ?

Hi @xbthsn

Have you choosen ibm communication provider and choose the ibm profile

Ashwin S


RPA analyst - Center of Excellence Process
Organizational Management

Hi Ashwin,

This I what I tried


Hi @xbthsn
hey are you able to connect?

Ashwin S

This is what I get

It’s resolved. We had used a 64bits version of hummingbird.

Now, we have installed a 32bits version and i was able to connect and create my sequence of action and finally get the 24 line.


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