Taxonomy Manager is Not Opening

I have one issue is Taxonomy Manger is not opening. i want to perform document understanding operation. i am using ui path community version .


Hi Can you update this packages and see

  1. UiPath.DocumentUnderstanding.ML.Activities
  2. UiPath.IntelligentOCR.Activities

Already i Update all the activity still i face issue to open

@MD_Farhan1 ,

Check this one as well.

Link to support page

Ashok :slight_smile:

Hi @MD_Farhan1

Which version of UiPath Studio you are using if it’s 2024.2.1. Try downgrading the version of UiPath.IntelligentOCR.Activities version to 6.5.3 and keep RunTime Rule as Lowest As Applicable and try it again.

Hope it helps!!

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downgrade OCR Activity or studio?

Hi @MD_Farhan1

If you are using the Community version of UiPath Studio, then you can’t downgrade the version of Studio.


any other solution ?

i am using 12 gen. any other option?

Hi @MD_Farhan1

Downgrade the version of UiPath.IntelligentOCR.Activities from 6.5.3 to still lower version and check whether Taxonomy manager is opening. Check by downgrading the version from latest version to one by one lower version. Check whether the Taxonomy Manager is working or not.


@MD_Farhan1 ,

If you can use Enterprise Trial, you have option to downgrade.

  1. Register for a 60-day UiPath Studio Enterprise trial license.

  2. Log into the UiPath Automation Cloud hub.

  3. Click on the Help link in the lower left hand corner.

  4. Click Downloads tab

  5. Click Other Versions

  6. Download the specific UiPath Studio version you wish to install.

Ashok :slight_smile:

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after that possible to change community version?

Check for any Driver updates available for it. It’s as per documentations from UiPath so there should be some dependency on latest version of the drivers.

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@MD_Farhan1 I was facing the same issue when i was using UiPath studio latest version ,I downgraded the studio version and it worked!

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