Taxonomy Manager | Group and Category update not reflected in taxonomy.json

I created a document type Invoice in Taxonomy Manager without any group and category assigned. Later on I assigned it with group myCompany and category Finance whis is reflected in Taxonomy tree in panel below search bar but this update is neither reflected in taxanomy.json, nor in Taxanomy Manager’s Details panel i.e. NoGroup.NoCategory.Invoice.Vendor as shown in image.

Is it a bug or something else though I don’t see any issue in execution so far.

Hi @J_Malik,

Not sure but checkout below things might help,

  • If the changes were saved but are not being reflected in the taxonomy.json file, try restarting UiPath Studio or the Taxonomy Manager to see if the changes get picked up.

  • If you are still facing issues, try creating a new document type with the correct group and category assignment and see if it gets reflected properly in the taxonomy.json file and Details panel.

First option didn’t work.
Second option does work but it is not a solution if you have dozens of document type there.

I am having this same issue. I can manually update the group and category in the json file to reflect what I have in the taxonomy manager, but then that breaks my classifiers and extractors. Is there not a way that you can update the taxonomy and have the updates apply to the existing document understanding activities? So far the only way I have found is to rebuild everything/retrain classifiers and extractors, which isn’t feasible.