Table extraction seems to be in loop not end

Hello Folks.

I’m trying to develope a single automation to extract a table from (ACME System 1 - Log In), but the extraction never end, it seems to be in loop.

Any help will be appreciated.

The script is attached.

Thank you. (270.9 KB)

@egameiro let me check. I resolved exercise and table issue for others… Let see what is missing

@egameiro Problem Solved.
Please run this and let me now.

ExtractTable (2).zip (6.6 KB)

You were getting only for first page and you did not enable for multiple pages and did not highlight next page button

Hi Raja… Thank you by the replay.

I runned your script and got an incorrect processing. I mean when it reach the page 15 it return topage 14 and begin a loop from page 14 and 15… and never end.

I recorded a video to let the problem more clear…

@egameiro let me check my side again

check its running fine in my case.

Yah… in your computer it running fine, but in my don’t.

Which version of Studio are you using…?

Any other suggestion to check…?

@egameiro i AM using 23.4.3 comminty version.

Try with ACME New Theme:

I tryed with New Theme… same issue.

I realy do no t understand why it has this strange behavior.

When it reach the last page it clearly click on the “Previus” icone, go back to penultimate page e than go to the last page… And stay in this loop.

@egameiro Yes I saw your video and even page 15 is available for you but not for me

I reset my data and now I have only 11 pages.

I reset my data and now I have only 11 pages. I’ll look for another site to try to extract something similar and see what happen.

@egameiro Yes Its changing every time on the base of data available in assignment

Did you try deselecting Computer Vision from the Next Button selector?


Hi Irene… thank you by the replay…

I did what you suggest… and… It worked.


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In my workflow its already deselected.

You need to check the Next Button, expand it and check if Computer Vision is not selected:

@Irene Its working for me and I am working on latest version

Well, it didn’t work for me, and it worked as soon as I removed the Computer Vision selector type from the Next Button selector.

@Irene ok ok.